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Real Food For Our Children

Real Food For Our Children

Welcome back! I am finally settling from an awe – inspiring weekend, after raising awareness on a very important topic. With the help of a few parents, I organized a GMO Awareness Day that resulted in a room full of people (even a few standing); it got air time on NPR News, good publicity, and ultimately, it moved those that attended. It actually moved me as well. It opened my eyes to the significance of this topic, a bit wider. Last week, I mentioned that I would blog about a heartfelt way to celebrate the holiday season, and I promise you that I will (and I like to be a lady of my word). The GMO topic is so important at this time, and really tugs at my attention. So let’s give this topic what it needs…which is a little blog time. As I said before, part of honoring ourselves and our family is by honoring the physical body as well. What goes into our children’s body, allows them to have a vital healthy life, as they progress on their path. And since they cannot choose what is healthy for them to eat, it is our job to make sure we do the best we can for them.

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Embracing the Seasons and Holidays

Embracing the Seasons and Holidays

As I sit outside, there is a fragrant breeze and a warm sun beaming on my face. I can soak this feeling up forever. Spring is finally here…

Here, in the NorthEast there is a clear shift in the environment as the seasons go through their cycle. During this time, I feel that I want to connect more – connect with the outdoors, with community, with myself and my creative flow, my loved ones, and all that is around me. If you notice, this is what is naturally occurring everywhere. And I feel that it is important for us to honor this. Honoring the seasons and the celebrations that go along with them, can be a powerful and deep experience. Cultivating this experience and creating what is true to you, can be a gift to your children.

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Gardening with Children

Gardening with Children

Hello Dearest Readers,

In my previous post I mentioned that I will write about gardening with your little ones. After this weekend, I was so proud of my children’s connection to our garden that I couldn’t wait to share about it. But first, I want to let you in on how it all began, because it wasn’t always so rewarding – but it was always lots of fun.

I never knew the first thing about taking care of house plants, let alone grow a garden. Before I had my children, I somehow always managed to kill anything green that was given to me. And even though I really liked the energy and warm feeling of having plants in my home, I had to eventually give up on the idea. After all, how many plants was I going to kill? 

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