201 Organic Baby Purees

201 Organic Baby Purees

 Baby food should be made of the freshest, healthiest ingredients on the planet. Brimming with the biggest variety of purees sure to expand baby’s palate, 201 Organic Baby Purees teaches readers to blend, well-balanced meals right in their own...
Real Food For Our Children

Real Food For Our Children

Welcome back! I am finally settling from an awe – inspiring weekend, after raising awareness on a very important topic. With the help of a few parents, I organized a GMO Awareness Day that resulted in a room full of people (even a few standing); it got air time on NPR...

Real Food For Our Children – Tip

Food Tips 1- Best tip about food is to be your child’s role model. You can’t ask him to eat spinach and kale if you don’t. 2- Let your child help prepare the (new) healthy meal – if he sees it, and his glands get going, there’s a better...

Real Food For Our Children – Quote

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food”- Hippocrates”One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” -Virginia Woolf